Our principles and commitment

Good corporate governance practices represent a key pillar of the way in which MCB Group operates and conducts business. Indeed, the Board of MCB Factors Ltd is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance, by promoting principles of integrity, accountability and transparency across the organisation, with the aim of maximising the long-term value creation for its stakeholders. Adherence to advocated norms is viewed as being crucial to effectively cope with the challenges posed by the increasingly exigent operating environment.

  • Code of Ethics
    Code of Et
  • Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Policy
    Conflict of Interest and Related Party Transactions Pol
  • Organisational Structure
    Organisational Struct
  • Whistle Blowing Policy
    Whistle Blowing Polic
  • Internal Audit Function
    Whistle Blowing Polic
  • Directorate

    The Board of MCB Factors Limited consists of one executive, one non-executive and three independent non-executive directors as shown below.

    Statement of Main Accountabilities

    The Directors have approved the following Statement of Accountabilities:

    • The Board assumes the responsibility for leading and controlling the Company and meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. Directors are aware of their legal duties.
    • The Board is accountable for the performance and affairs of the Company and for achieving sustainable growth.
    • The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Company adheres to high standards of ethical behavior and acts in the best interest of shareholders.
    • The Board has the responsibility of reviewing and approving the results announcements of the Company.

    Additionally, the Board Charter and the Position Statements, which have been approved by the Board, provides for a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of the Chairperson, the Directors and the Company Secretary.

    Financial Statements

    The Board has reviewed and approved the Board Charter, the Organisational Chart, the Job positions and the Statement of Accountabilities of the Company. These documents are monitored regularly and are updated in a timely manner further to any changes in laws, requirements from regulatory bodies or decisions taken by the Board.

    The Code of Ethics of MCB Group Ltd, which has been adopted by all the subsidiaries within the group, is monitored and updated by the Remuneration, Corporate Governance and Ethics Committee of MCB Group Ltd on a regular basis.

    MCB Factors Ltd, MCB Centre, 9-15 Sir William Newton Street,
    Port Louis,
    Republic of Mauritius

    Phone: (+230) 202 5701

    Email: MCB Factors Sales